Are You Ready to Simplify , Level Up , Grow your business today?


One of the most important skills a leader can learn is how to delegate. The problem is, it’s much easier to say you’re going to delegate than it is to actually execute. 

Delegation requires a level of trust. Trust in your team, in your processes, and in your culture. As the leader, you cannot do everything yourself. You need to trust others to take on tasks and responsibilities, freeing up your time and energy to focus on the most important aspects of your business.

Getting Started

Getting started is often the hardest part of delegating. But if you’re at the end of your rope and your plate is full, here are some tips to get started. 

Begin by creating a list of all the tasks and responsibilities you are responsible for. Split them up into tasks you love and tasks you hate. The things you hate doing are likely tasks that you aren’t very good at.

These are the tasks that someone else could do better, and probably enjoy doing. Look to hire someone who can take on these tasks, or tap your existing team’s talents to begin moving those things off your plate.

Before You Delegate

Before you can delegate, you need to be surrounded by great people you trust. Hiring the right people is the first step, but it is not enough. You also need to train them, showing them how to do the tasks you want to delegate. This is where trust comes in – you need to trust them to do the job well and follow your instructions and processes.

Once you have trained your team members, start giving them opportunities to take on tasks and responsibilities. Start small, with simple tasks that they can easily handle. As they gain confidence and demonstrate their abilities, give them more complex tasks and greater responsibility.

But delegating isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it task. You have to continually monitor their work and provide feedback. This feedback should be specific and actionable, so that they can improve their skills and performance. Use a feedback loop to track their progress and make adjustments as needed. The shorter the feedback loop, the faster you can iterate and improve.

Continuous Improvement

Implementing a continuous improvement process, known as kaizen, is also essential for effective delegation. Kaizen involves regularly reviewing and improving processes, including delegation. This ensures that your team is always working at their best and that your business is growing and evolving.

In summary, delegating is an essential part of growing a business. To effectively delegate, start by identifying tasks you hate doing and hiring someone who can take them on. Train and trust your team members, then give them opportunities to take on tasks and responsibilities. Monitor their work and provide feedback, and implement a continuous improvement process to ensure that your business is always growing and evolving.

Charlie Coppola 
[email protected] 



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