Are You Ready to Simplify , Level Up , Grow your business today?

Brokerage & Dating/Marriage

Dating and marriage advice?! Believe it or not, in today’s episode of CRE – The Unspoken Truth, my dad and I are talking dating advice… Whether you are in the dating stages of a relationship or a few years into marriage, there are many conversations to be had as you are navigating your brokerage career.

All of us want success in more than one area of our life. Most of us want a successful marriage or relationship with our partner AND a successful career.

What should you consider when growing a successful business in brokerage and maintaining your relationship with your significant other?

  • Throughout your career, constantly check in and ask yourself if brokerage is still a career you want to pursue.
  • Make the decision to commit to your business and have that conversation with your partner.
  • Understanding that a successful brokerage career is a lifelong commitment that doesn’t go away.


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