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Fake It till You Make It

Many people have heard of the importance of body language in the workplace. Amy Cuddy discusses how our nonverbals not only govern how people think and feel about us, but also how we think about ourselves. 

Primates & Hormones

  • Primates reveal to us that those higher in the hierarchy tend to be more powerful
  • Traits of powerful people: assertive, confident, optimistic, and laid-back
  • Power is linked to how one reacts to stress 
    • Higher testosterone and lower cortisol levels (stress hormone).

Power Posing

  • High-Power Pose is similar to a “Wonder Woman” pose
    • Standing tall, open, and expansive
  • Low-Power Pose is characterized by closed body language, slouched shoulders, or touching of the neck
  • Research Findings (Cuddy’s Experiment):
    • Participants in high-power poses revealed:
      • 20% increase in testosterone 
      • 25% decrease in cortisol 
    • Participants in low-power poses showed:
      • 10% decrease in testosterone 
      • 15% increase in cortisol 
  • Mind-Body Connection: posture not only reflects our mental state but it also influences it. Changing your body language will alter your hormone levels and how you feel.

Incorporating This Into Your Life Before an Interview or Important Meeting

  • Pre-Meeting Tips: 
    • Avoid hunching over your phone in the waiting room
    • Find a private space to do power poses prior to the meeting
  • Power Pose Technique: 
    • Stand tall with your feet wide, hands above hips, and assume an open, confident stance 

Scientifically, your mind believes what you tell it and your body believes what you do. Stand with your feet wide, hands above your hips, and tell yourself—you’re right where you belong.

As Cuddy says herself, “don’t just fake it till you make it, fake it till you become it.

Charlie Coppola 

[email protected]




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