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The Science of Cold Calling

Cold calling is a daunting task, even for experienced salespeople. But with the right strategy, it can become a powerful tool to build relationships and drive new business.

Below is how we’ve broken down the science behind successful cold calling:

  1. Overcome Call Reluctance
    • Call Within 5 Minutes of Starting Your Day. The sooner you start, the easier it is to maintain momentum. Make your first call within 5 minutes of walking into the office. Don’t let your mind talk you out of dialing!
    • Set yourself up for success by eliminating distractions and mentally committing to the task.
    • Create a routine and hold yourself accountable. Treat cold calling as a non-negotiable part of your day.
  2. Get Your Reps
      • When you’re starting, aim for 100-150 Meaningful Calls (cumulative). Practice makes perfect, but it’s not just about the quantity—it’s about making deliberate and meaningful connections.
      • Own your script. Practice your pitch until it feels natural. A strong script is your foundation. Own it!
      • Focus on tone. Delivery is everything. Aim to sound sharp, enthusiastic, and competent.
  3. Nail Your Intro
    • Be sharp as a tack. Demonstrate competence and professionalism from the first word.
    • Show enthusiasm, energy and passion are contagious. Let your enthusiasm shine through.
    • Keep it casual. Avoid sounding robotic. Instead, aim for a friendly and natural delivery. If it helps, stand up and hold a cup of coffee while you’re talking. The casual nature of your body language will bleed into your tone.
  4. Ask, Ask, Ask
    • The golden rule of sales is simple, if you don’t ask, you don’t get.
    • Ask for the meeting in 70% of calls. The more you ask for the meeting, the more meetings you’ll land.
    • Make it easy to say ‘Yes’. Position the request as casual, low-commitment, and valuable for the recipient.
  5. Ask Again
    • In approximately 30% of calls you’ll need to ask multiple times. Don’t let a single ‘no’ deter you. Follow up with multiple asks in the same conversation.
    • Make sure that each ask sounds different! There’s nothing worse than repeating the same line over and over, all that leads to is the other party not feeling heard. Not good!
    • Master looping and bring the conversation back to the value you’re offering.
  6. Master The Three 7’s – Sell Yourself, Your Company, and Your Product
    • Every call is an opportunity to build trust and credibility. If the prospect isn’t saying yes, it’s because one of these three areas hasn’t been sold effectively enough yet.
    • Sell Yourself – how? Be sharp, prepared, likable, knowledgeable, and trustworthy. Every word matters, design your script with intention.
    • Sell Your Company – how? Highlight your company’s track record and unique value.
    • Sell Your Product (or service) – how? Clearly communicate how your solution solves a problem. Be crystal clear on the value you provide and who you provide it to. Your value isn’t for everyone – that’s ok!
    • Every loop (see step #5) should reinforce one of these three.

Cold calling is both an art and a science, but most importantly, it’s a skill you can master. This is how we’ve systematized building that skill at CRE OneSource. This is our formula to success.

BUT, there’s a big difference between knowing what to do and doing it! No one can do the work for you! Start dialing!

Charlie Coppola 

[email protected]




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